The guide

This is the last of the New Zealand Alpine Club’s Southern Alps climbing guides. It’s not published yet – you’ll have to wait until September to buy a copy – but it’ll be worth the wait, as it describes pretty much every alpine and transalpine route between Arthur’s Pass and Aoraki Mount Cook National Parks.
The cover image by Geoff Spearpoint is a classic alpine view of Mt Evans from the Wilkinson River, in Westland.
The festival
Richard went to see some shows at the New Zealand International Arts Festival for
Beyond ignorant

What’s beyond ignorance?
Um, irony?
Someone thought the cover of the last issue of In Business was, well, an outrage.
Space waltz

The New Zealand Alpine Club has around 3000 members and is New Zealand’s main organisation representing climbers. This is the cover of their annual report for 2009, which we produced.
Okay, the title of this post is a bit obscure. But that boulder in the photo looks kind of like an asteroid. Sort of.
Space Waltz were kind of cool, back in 1974.
The thinker

In Business, the business magazine we help put together, has gone national – with an international focus.
The latest issue has Icebreaker CEO Jeremy Moon sparking out on the the cover – inside he ponders his role as a ‘thought leader’ for the company he founded.
There arealso profiles of some of the winners at the recent Trade and Enterprise-sponsored NZ International Business Awards.
But for our money, possibly the most intriguing story is an interview with Jack Yan, publisher of internal fashion mag Lucire magazine, among other things: “I saw being first as a way to leapfrog all that negativity that used to drag me down.”
Tribute to Jeff Kennedy
Jeff Kennedy founded Caffe L’affare in 1990, making him one of the founding fathers of the modern New Zealand coffee industry. He was awarded the first New Zealand Coffee Roasters Association lifetime achievement award at the association’s annual general meeting in May 2009.
In his honour, we put together a short history of and tribute to the man:
In Business issue 6
In Business issue 6 (May–June 2009) has been out for a while – take a look at the ezine version.
There are stories on the future for Wellington’s port, economist Ganeesh Nana and events and marketing expert John Dow.
We provide art direction and prepress services. Find more on In Business at
The next issue is due out in early July, in time for the Bizzone Wellington Business Expo.
Getting away from it all
Another book review – this time of Going Bush by Kirsty Ross:
‘Against the socially and culturally conservative conservationists, those with “a proper sense of nature”, she sets “mischiefmakers” and “delinquents”.’
Read the whole review on the Scoop Review of Books.
Going Bush is published by Auckland University Press.
Get rich or bust
The Peoples’ Times is an online community news service that lets community groups and individuals communicate among their members and to others, using web technologies such as forums, noticebaords, groups, galleries and rss. It’s free to use.
Richard writes an occasional column. His latest asks whether our government is following the lead of others, such as the US, China and South Korea, in funnelling “economic stimulus” money into energy efficiency and reducing our dependence on oil.